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CD Release: "Namo Amitābha" from Renée Sunbird (Sat, 6. April, 6pm - 8pm)

Autorenbild: Boris GeorgievBoris Georgiev

We are very happy that now we can offer you a CD of the album “Namo Amitābha”!!

We would like to celebrate this with you: On Saturday, April 6th at 6 p.m. That evening we will be chanting mantras that are also on the album.

There will be tea and cake, and... drum roll: a raffle with great prizes, including of course a CD.

We are so exited to present this Highlight

The album is called "Namo Amitābha" and the following mantras will be on the album:

  1. Sūrya Namaskār - mantras,

  2. Namo Amitābha,

  3. Hara Gange,

  4. Yamuna Stotra,

  5. Om Mani Padme Hum,

  6. Sarva Mangalam,

  7. Tvam Eva Mātā

Cost for the evening: 17€

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