The Practice (maximum 24 persons)
Grace will be the lead teacher & assisted by Joseph
3 Days Mysore classes – 9 (Do), 10 (Fr) & 12 (So) May 2024
@08.30 – 10.30, Yogazentrum Ganesha
Each student will be guided through their self-practice by Grace through verbal and physical adjustments.
Drop-in per class Euro 30 (cash), without online register
With Semester package and register online, pay additional Euro 10 (cash) per class
Sanskrit & Philosophy with Joseph
10 May (Fr) (Ganesha)
10.45 – 12.45: Veda
13.45 – 16.30: Overview of Indian Philosophy
11 May (Sa) (to be notified)
09.00 – 11.00: Samkhya – the basis of Yoga 1
11.15 – 13.00: Samkhya – the basis of Yoga 2
14.15 – 16.15: Yoga in the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali 1
16.30 – 18.00: Yoga in the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali 2
12 May (So) (Ganesha)
11.00 – 13.00: Yoga in the Hathayoga Pradipikã
14.30 – 17.30: Yoga in the Practice
Price: Euro 25 per session (cash)
Sign In, Payment or Further Info: Contact Grace at gracetaiyinjing@gmail.com

Grace Tai
Grace was born and raised in Hong Kong and moves to Vienna to live with her husband since 2011.
Grace likes to share her love of yoga with others and has been teaching yoga more than 19 years. She is the first female Level 2 Authorized Teacher in Vienna, from KPJAYI. She is listed under the Europe section, Austria, Vienna on the Sharath Yoga Centre website (https://sharathyogacentre.com).
Her teaching unites the gift of her logical mind, careful attention to details, and devotion to the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga lineage. She sees body alignment and calmness of mind as the essence of the class.
Joseph Tan
Joseph became dedicated of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga lineage in 2006, studying initially with Alex Medin and since 2011, with Sharath Jois in Mysore. In 2016 he received blessings of Authorised Teacher Level 1 from Sharath.
Inspired by Alex Medin, Joseph began studies in Sanskrit and the Yoga Philosophy in 2007 with Vidwan Vijaya Kumar (http://www.yogagurukula.in/about-vijaya.html), a distinguished scholar from Mysore Sanskrit College where Pattabhi Jois taught for many decades.
Joseph studied Sanskrit with Professor Dhammajoti in M.A. (Buddhist Studies) at the Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong in 2012; following that he did the 2013 Summer course in Spoken Sanskrit in Südasien-Institut, Universität Heildelberg with Dr. Sadanada Das (http://www.sai.uni-heidelberg.de/abt/IND/summerschool/Spoken_Sanskrit.php).