The Workshop will be in a beautiful location near Bratislava: Lesná Zahrada, Hrubý Šur
Are you looking for answers in your practice? Do you feel confused sometimes? We are inviting you to come and ask, to open and to get answers. We will offer you tips and basic practices to gain clarity on what you practice, why you do it and how to do it. We will talk about how our systems work, ( body, mind, soul) how they are connected and how we can support the healthy environment within so we are energetically balanced and we can integrate life changes. We are inviting you to immerse deeper into connection. Staying connected with all that surrounds us while recognizing our uniqueness at the same time. We are looking forward to share knowledge, practice together, as well as to have lots of fun. Time to play and discover who you are. Can’t wait to meet you! Boris Georgiev Ashtanga Yoga practice - great tips for your body and you. Lune Nadush Harmonious Breath & Meditation practice to open, release tensions. Step by step be able to recognize your natural quality to self liberate. Also the sea is made of drops of water. Reneé Sunbird Sound as the basic vibration, your voice as your medicine for your heart. Nati-a Nati & Miri Yoga Bodywork - the skill through which you can share healing touch with others. We offer: •3 days and two nights • in amazing permaculture project just 20km from Bratislava. •7 full meals in total• Friday: lunch and dinner Saturday: full pension Sunday: breakfast and lunch, snack. Natural open space swimming pool. Price: 250€ Friday: arriving at 10:00 1st. session 11:00 -13:00 LUNCH, BREAK 2nd session 16:00 - 19:00 Saturday: 1st. session: 6:00 - 7:15 2nd. session 7:30 - 9:00 BREAKFAST 3rd.session 11:00 - 13:00 LUNCH+ AFTERNOON BREAK 4th.session 16 - 19:00 DINNER Sunday: 1st. session: 6:00- 7:15 2nd. session 7:30-9:00 BREAKFAST 3rd.session 11:00-13:00
Information and sign in: yogafreaks@gmail.com